
"The Whole World Will Be Exposed From The Radiation From Fukushima"

Physicist Michio Kaku appeared on 60 Minutes (the Australian edition), and said:

  • The whole world will be exposed from the radiation from Fukushima.
  • [The Japanese people] are guinea pigs, absolute human guinea pigs.

In fact, radiation experts say that huge quantities of radiation are currently being released by Fukushima.

In addition to direct releases, the Japanese are burning radioactive material, putting much more radioactivity into the air.

Japanese doctors are warning about the dangers of radiation for the Japanese people ... especially kids.

Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen says that radioactive rain-outs were documented recently in British Columbia and Oklahoma with geiger counters.

And former Nasa photo analyst Michael Rivero - who has been measuring radiation levels in Oahu, Hawaii, every day since the Japanese earthquake - reports the highest radiation readings yet are occurring right now.

Postscript: No, the levels of radiation we're being exposed to are not safe. And see this.

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