XSYSYS Technologies recruiting 2009 freshers having testing skills.
* B.E, B.Tech, MCA of 2009 passed out only.
* All Academic score to be above 60% (SSLC, PUC and Engineering...)
Professional Course completed in Testing (Mandatory)
Must have skills and basic experience in:
* Testing ( Manual)
Role: Permanent
Bond: 2yrs Mandatory
Only candidates located in Bangalore and having above skills, please call before 4:00pm Monday (28th June 2010) to obtain your Registration ID for the test.
Contact : Mary Elizabeth
Tel : 08028523232
E-mail to : mary(at)xsysys.com
Venue :
xsysys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
92/1A Doddathogur, Electronics City Post,
Bangalore 560 100 – India