I've been happy that the Muslim Brotherhood has been kept in check by the Egyptian people. As I wrote last month:
While many in the U.S. have tried to paint most Muslims as extremists, and the "War on Terror" as being a black-and-white war of good guys versus bad browned-skinned people, the Egyptian revolution shows that the reality is very different.
As Democracy Now producer Sharif Kouddous tweets, moderate Muslims are drowning out members of the Muslim Brotherhood:
Muslim Brotherhood chanting Allah Akbar. Crowd stopped them chanting louder: Muslim, Christian, we're all Egyptian.Similarly, an editorial in the Guardian states:
Tell everyone: Egypt's revolution is sweet and peaceful.
No one wants the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, no one wants violence – just elections and a new constitution
But America's Director of National Intelligence - James Clapper - is apparently a lot less worried about the Muslim Brotherhood than I am.
Clapper told Congress today:
The term Muslim Brotherhood is an umbrella term for a variety of movements. In the case of Egypt, a very heterogeneous group, largely secular, which has eschewed violence and has decried al-Qaeda as a version of Islam.