
The Egyptian Revolution Shows that the Us-Versus-Them Narrative of the War on Terror is False

While many in the U.S. have tried to paint most Muslims as extremists, and the "War on Terror" as being a black-and-white war of good guys versus bad browned-skinned people, the Egyptian revolution shows that the reality is very different.

As Democracy Now producer Sharif Kouddous tweets, moderate Muslims are drowning out members of the Muslim Brotherhood:

Muslim Brotherhood chanting Allah Akbar. Crowd stopped them chanting louder: Muslim, Christian, we're all Egyptian.

Similarly, an editorial in the Guardian states:

Tell everyone: Egypt's revolution is sweet and peaceful.

No one wants the Muslim Brotherhood to take over, no one wants violence – just elections and a new constitution
And as Sana Saleem tweets, Muslims and Christians are working together to replace their tyrannical leader:

While Muslim Protestors prayed today, Christian Egyptians formed human chains to protect them. Solidarity,strength and co-existence.
Indeed, interviews with Egyptian protesters show that they just want equality and freedom ... like we do. Despite their accents and appearance, they are really not that different from us.

No wonder even former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski told the Senate that the war on terror is "a mythical historical narrative".

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