Sasken conducting walk in for freshers through employee referral. www.fresherscafe.com
Location: Bangalore
Date&Time: 23rd December,Today (Hurry), 9Am-2Pm
Venue :www.fresherscafe.com
139/25, Ring Road,
Domlur, Bangalore 71
BE/Btech -ECE/CS/TCE with 60% -2009/10 Batches
Candidate should have cleared the all papers in first attempt.
Selection Process:
1) Online Test www.fresherscafe.com
2)Technical Interview www.fresherscafe.com
3) HR Intervie wwww.fresherscafe.com
Note: If you are unable to walk-in today ask your referral to send resume to freshers@sasken.com www.fresherscafe.com