Location: Bangalore,Trivendrumwww.fresherscafe.com
Eligibility :www.fresherscafe.com
If you are Spouse/Sibling to referral
B.E/B.Tech/MCA/ME/M.Tech, 2009-10 Pass Out,
CSE/EEE/ECE/IT/Mech/Civil/Aero nautical
with 65%www.fresherscafe.com
If you are a General referrer to referral
B.E/B.Tech/MCA/ME/M.Tech, 2010 Pass Out,
CSE/EEE/ECE/IT/Mech/Civil/Aero nautical
with 70%
Last date to referral 5th November
Written test and interview will be held on 8th November
Training will be at trivendrum.Final posting will be on companies discretion.www.fresherscafe.com
How to apply: Its a employee referral opening so ask your referral to contact SPOC to apply the job.www.fresherscafe.com
Note:If you don't have any reference in this company and you are really eligible go and ask any employee @ IBS office location.Don't miss this opportunity.www.fresherscafe.com