TESCO Walkin for Freshers.(Employee Referral)
The event is organized on 3rd July 2008 (Thursday) at 10:00 am at Tesco HSC.
Selection Process:
Round 1: Written Test (to start at 10:30 AM)
Round 2: HR Interview
Round 3: Technical Interview (Tentatively on 3rd or 4th July, 2008)
Eligibility Criteria:
B.E. Graduates (2007 and 2008 passouts only) with min. 70 % aggregate marks.
Please ask your referrals to directly walk-in on 3rd July at 10:00 am
Also ask the candidates to bring their writing boards to support the test papers as the written test is arranged at the Tesco Amphitheatre
The referred candidates would need to carry the following documents:
- Updated Profile/ Curriculum Vitae
- College ID card
- Name of the referral with Employee ID.
Venue :
# 81 & 82, EPIP Area, Whitefield, Bangalore - 560 066
Ph: 0091- 80- 66588000 Extn.87248
Fax: 0091- 80- 66664500
Email: Tanushree.sethi@in.tesco.com
URL: www.tescohsc.com