IBM Recruiting Freshers(6-18 months) Through Employee Referral.
Location : All over India.
Here is an opportunity in IBM don't miss this chance. Calling for FRESHERS in IBM with the following eligibility and skills:
Send your resumes to this mail id:
varchas.abhiram@in.ibm.comStart dumping your resumes to the above mentioned mail id if your profile matches with eligibility criteria and Skill requirements which are mentioned below.
EligibilityCriteria: Degree: BE / B.Tech / ME / M.Tech /MCA
Year of latest graduation or post graduation: 2006 /2007
Branch: CSE, IT, IS, EEE, ECE, Telecom
Percentage: Aggregate of the latest degree attained: 60% (Maharashtra & IIT's) & 65% other states
Experience: 06 - 18 months
Minimum Years of Education required: 16 year or more
Skill Requirements: .Net, DBMS, DW & BI, Java, Mainframes & AS/400, Open Systems (C, C++, Unix), Seibel, PCE, SAP ABAP, SAP Basis, Oracle Apps, Peoplesoft and Testing. Please send your resumes to the above mentioned mail id only .